Photo of Bryce  Fox

Bryce Fox

Professor, Christian Education & Youth Ministry

615-248-1389 OFFICE

  • BA, Olivet Nazarene University, 1986
  • MA, Asbury Theological Seminary, 1995
  • Ph.D., Indiana University, 2001


Bryce Fox, an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene, has served on staff at several churches and, with his wife, founded the not-for-profit organization Foundation Builders, Inc. (F.B.I. Ministries) to reach out to youth and families. During his studies at Indiana University, Bryce earned the Associate Instructor of the Year Award and was nominated for the Lieber Distinguished Teaching Award. At Trevecca, he earned the Teacher of the Year Award. Bryce and his wife, Beth, and their four children devote many weekends and most of each summer traveling and speaking at various events. One trip was to Oxford University where Bryce was invited to present his original research before a group of scholars. He has written and published articles, book chapters as well as curriculum for the Church of the Nazarene.