Making great stories possible.

Trevecca is in its 5th year of the “Making Great Stories Possible” $75 million campaign. The fundraising effort is the largest in the University’s history.

Specific campaign goals include:

  • Reducing debt of graduating students and expanding available scholarship funds so more students can experience Trevecca’s quality educational experience;
  • Expanding and updating Trevecca’s music facilities so graduates better serve the community, schools and the church,
  • Expanding athletic facilities to better serve NCAA Division II athletic programs and a growing student body;
  • Increasing staffing and expanding Trevecca’s Urban Farm to create greater opportunities for student employment and research opportunities as well as community outreach,
  • Building operational infrastructure to support University growth,;
  • Focusing on estate planning to ensure the University’s future impact on Christian higher education and the world.

For more information about the campaign, campaign goals and how to give, visit Trevecca’s campaign website at

Give as an individual Make a church educational budget payment